Tuesday, April 24, 2012

S&W Mayo: 1g of sugar per 100grams
Woolworths Select 97% fat free Mayo: 21.9g of sugar per 100grams.

This is a blog with a few simple ideas:

Sugar is the main cause of obesity, Type 2 diabetes etc. (Watch Professor Lustig's video below, or refer to this NY Times article.)

(ii) Most people get their food from supermarkets.

Therefore, (iii) this blog makes it easy for people to find the low/no sugar brands by listing all items at the supermarket in order based on their sugar content. The Best (low or no sugar) and Worst (high sugar) are highlighted. This blog is not interested in, nor does it detail, glucose (the good sugar found in pasta, potatoes, etc), but rather, refined white or high fructose corn syrup added to almost every processed food item.

I'm based in Australia, therefore I can only itemise products in Australian supermarkets. If you're in the UK or US, Canada, etc, please feel free to copy the format of this blog and do the same.

The point of this blog is that every-day items either don't need any added sugar, or could have significantly less. As you can see from the Mayonnaise example, the variance of added sugar content with a product group can be astounding.

Navigating this blog. On the right, is an alphabetical list, and each item is linked to it's original blog post. Eventually you'll see an A to Z listing. I'll try and do two grocery items (and therefore blog posts) per week.

How you can use this blog: Eat the same food-stuffs you currently eat, but significantly lower your sugar intake by switching to low or no sugar brands. Where there are no sugar free options within a product group, I'll try and post a link of where to find sugar free alternatives and/or recipes.

I'm also entering all the info I gather onto a spreadsheet, and I'll eventually make this downloadable as a Torrent.

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